Guide to Virtual Instruction



Canvas可以使用移动应用程序或通过 MyCCC Student Portal on your PC, MAC, and Chromebook, or tablet.

Get the App

  1. 在App Store中搜索“Canvas Student”下载Canvas
  2. 打开Canvas应用,点击“Find my school”
  3. Search for “camdencc”
  4. Enter “camdencc”
  5. 系统将提示您使用myCCC凭据登录

Mobile Guides – Canvas Student

There are instructions for both iOS and Android phones:

Familiarize Yourself with Canvas

We are here to help!
学生可以通过学生门户访问大多数在线服务. 如果您需要帮助,请联系学生服务856-227-7200分机. 4200 or email Distance Learning at

For the latest updates, please check your student email account and college social media platforms regularly. If you haven’t done so already, sign up for Cougar Calls 接收紧急通知到您的手机.


I don't have internet at home. How can I take online classes?

Free Wifi for CCC Students

从早上6点开始,学生可以在停车场使用免费WIFI.m. to 10 p.m. while you complete your coursework in your car. Please be prepared to present your student ID.

Blackwood Campus
Parking Lot #5 in front of the Gabriel E. Danch CIM Center
Parking Lot #4 in front of Madison Hall
从Peter Cheeseman Road通过2号车道进入校园.

Camden Campus

Wifi Name: CCC-Outdoor
No password is required

MiFi now available for students from CCC

如果你在家里没有互联网来完成你的在线课程, 全球赌博十大网站本学期有有限数量的Verizon MiFi热点可以借给你. You can use it to connect your PC, laptop, 由于新冠肺炎疫情,上课时将平板电脑或智能手机连接到互联网.

Please send your request to using your email address.

以下是可公开获取的信息列表,以帮助受COVID-19关闭影响的任何人. 全球赌博十大网站不认可,也没有从所列公司获得任何好处.

Free Xfinity WiFi Hotspots

Comcast Internet Essentials

康卡斯特(Comcast)为新的Internet Essentials客户提供2个月的免费服务,以应对最近和预期的与冠状病毒(COVID-19)相关的紧急措施。.

  • MEDICAID: 卡片或您家中成年人最近的资格证明.
  • Public housing assistance: documentation such as your lease, housing assistance payment (HAP) contract, or eligibility documentation from HUD.
  • SNAP: 证明您已被批准领取补充营养援助计划福利的信件.
  • TANF: 有需要家庭临时援助资格信.
  • SSI: 补充保障收入资格信.
  • NSLP/Head Start: 说明目前参加国家学校午餐计划或开端计划的信件副本, with your child's name, the school name, 以及您请求服务的地址.
  • LIHEAP: 确认您符合低收入家庭能源援助计划资格的信函.
  • WIC: 妇女、婴儿和儿童项目的资格信.
  • VA PENSION: 退伍军人管理局的退伍军人养老金资格确定信.
  • 部落援助 资格信,包括TTANF, FDPIR等.


AT&T will provide unlimited AT&T mobile data for the next 60 days


T-Mobile / MetroPCS

T-Mobile将在未来60天内,为所有使用数据计划 的用户提供无限流量(不包括漫游)。.


从2020年3月19日开始,所有拥有数据计划 的客户在未来60天内无限制数据,无需额外费用.

每月额外20GB 移动热点数据 ,为期60天,无需额外付费.


如果他们因为冠状病毒而无法支付Sprint账单,Sprint将不会终止服务, 并将免除因与大流行有关的经济情况而产生的滞纳金.

How to I access my student email?

您需要访问学生电子邮件的所有信息都可以在 Student Email page.

How do I access Tutoring Services?

We are providing tutoring virtually.

Click here for more information:

How can I reach the help desk for tech support?




Where do I sign up for a Cougar Call?

你可以注册“美洲狮电话”,并通过填写 Cougar Call Notification Form.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

Useful Contacts

Are computer labs available?

Visit our Computer Labs page for the most current information.

Free Wifi for CCC Students

从早上6点开始,您可以在我们的停车场使用免费WIFI.m. to 10 p.m. while you complete your coursework in your car. Please be prepared to present your student ID.

Blackwood Campus
Parking Lot #5 in front of the Gabriel E. Danch CIM Center
Parking Lot #4 in front of Madison Hall
从Peter Cheeseman Road通过2号车道进入校园.

Camden Campus

Wifi Name: CCC-Outdoor
No password is required